Last week, we hosted a Facebook Live, where we were joined by Martyn Sibley, disability advocate, journalist and the star of our documentary series. We discussed the Challenge, running through why we’re running it, as well as who and what we’re looking for.
“Take Action. I think often we get inspired by opportunities and ideas but if we think about it for too long, we find reasons not to act. This is such a cool Challenge and it could change so many people's lives so whether you’re disabled or you’re an innovator just take that first action and check out the website!” - Martyn Sibley
During the session, we also revealed our new Innovator Resource, which has been created to give innovators insights directly from end users, gathered through our #MyMobilityUnlimited Campaign. Use these learnings as you develop your device, and your entry into the Challenge.
“Disabled people as a community often feel that they aren’t engaged in decisions, and it’s really important that we feel listened to. Practically, on a business level, any company should consult with their target audience, about what their pain points are… and that’s only going to come through the voice of the disabled community.” - Martyn Sibley
Below, you can find the questions that were asked, along with their responses:
Will device affordability/cost be part of the shortlisting process?
- One of the judging criteria is Market Potential and Affordability, and this will be taken into consideration, along with the other criteria, during the assessment and selection process. Our judging criteria gives us parameters to help us judge the relative benefits of different devices. Check out our website to find out more about what we’re looking for.
What about a device that entered the market last year but has potential to expand its capabilities?
- We’re looking for new, innovative devices that haven’t been on the market yet, so if the device has been on sale this may not be eligible for the Challenge. The device you plan to enter would need to be significantly different to what’s already on the market as the finalist grant is meant to support the development of your prototype.
What level of lower-limb paralysis should the solution assist with?
- We’re not prescriptive about the type of lower-limb paralysis that your device should support. In your application, you will have the opportunity to specify your end user and will be expected to explain clearly how your device is appropriate for them.
Could a team submit two separate devices?
- Yes. You will need to create two separate application forms and be clear on how your devices are new and innovative.
What is the expected budget time period?
- We’ll be giving out $500,000 to 5 teams to be spent between early 2019 until August-September 2020.
If you have further questions about your entry to the Challenge, we’d recommend that you attend our Innovator Webinar, on the 5th July at 3pm BST. Register online and come along to find out everything you need to know before you apply!
Otherwise, you can get in touch with the team at