The $4 million Mobility Unlimited Challenge supports radical improvements in the mobility and independence of people with lower-limb paralysis through smarter assistive technology.
We're looking for innovative teams from around the world to build the next generation of mobility devices for people with lower-limb paralysis.
Launched in November 2017, the challenge is on to find innovators who have an idea or device that could change the lives of people with lower-limb paralysis.
Want to get involved? Check out 4 ways you can below:
1. Enter the Discovery Awards
We appreciate that some teams with great ideas and talent might have little to no funding right now. Maybe you’re just getting off the ground or thinking about setting up a venture. If so, watch our video or read through our information sheet for more information about our $50,000 Discovery Awards, which we’re giving out to help people enter the main Challenge.
The deadline for applications for Discovery Awards is the 7th February 2018, whilst entries for the main Challenge should be submitted by the 15th August 2018.
2. Innovator Webinars
Want to know more, or have questions about the Challenge?
Sign up to one of our webinars on the 16th January, 2018! We’ll be covering everything you need to know to enter and will host a live Questions & Answers session to address your queries.
10am GMT [Register Here]
4pm GMT [Register Here]
3. Join the Mobility Unlimited Community
We know that when good ideas are shared, great things can happen. We want the innovators of the Mobility Unlimited Challenge to form a community by encouraging dialogue that will help spur further creativity and innovation.
Do you need help to make your idea more robust? Do you have an idea that you can offer another innovator? Sign up here so that you can connect with other innovators interested in entering the Challenge for further discussion.
4. Share the Challenge with your Networks
The Mobility Unlimited Challenge aims to harness creative thinking from across the world. Please share the Challenge with your networks so that we can reach everyone who may have the idea for a mobility device that could change the lives of people with lower-limb paralysis.
Know you want to enter? Read the Innovator’s Handbook and FAQs before submitting your application online!
If you have any questions, get in touch with the team at